I’m Hanna and I like to hike on the weekends.

Marin County has an incredible number of hiking trails, with so many different landscapes to explore. Open hills, woods, creekside walks, views of the ocean or the bay—whatever I’m in the mood for, I can find nearby. Every time I hike, I’m reminded of how lucky I am to be in the Bay Area and to have access to such amazing public parks and open spaces.

About a year ago, a friend and I finished hiking every trail in Point Reyes National Seashore. I kept track of the trails, and I took some pictures, but I didn’t keep a blog of those hikes. I regret that because now it’s hard to remember which ones I loved the most. So now that I’ve set the goal to hike all the state parks in Marin, I want to log my hikes and my progress.