This trail is easy stroll under the shade of redwoods.
Location: Samuel P. Taylor State Park
Length: 3.0 miles
Difficulty: easy
Shade: shaded
Parking: small lot at Leo T. Cronin Fish Viewing Area, at the Shafter Bridge (free but limited to 1 hour)
Public Transportation: none
WC: portable toilet at Fish Viewing Area, and toilets at Irving Group Picnic Area about 1 mile into the hike
Dogs: not allowed on hiking trails, only in developed areas and Cross Marin Trail
Hiked: Mar 2021

Our Trail Route & Notes
This was a simple hike along Cross Marin Trail and back. We crossed Sir Francis Drake Blvd. at the spot where we had the best view in both directions, which was on the auto bridge (Shafter Bridge). Then we went about a hundred feet to the right to the foot bridge. Then we were on Cross Marin Trail, which we followed until we crossed another bridge 1.5 miles later. At that point, we turned around and went back the same way.
The trail was really muddy in a few places because it rained just a couple of days before the hike. I had to clean my dog’s little paws before letting her back into the car. It was also pretty chilly in the morning before the sun really started to shine. The path is almost entirely shaded, so there were only a few places where the sun really warmed us on the way back.
As noted above under the parking section, the small lot at the Fish Viewing Area is limited to 1-hour parking, which I did not know, so we stayed for about an hour and a half to complete the hike. Luckily there were still empty spots when we returned, or I’d have felt pretty bad about taking up the space longer than allowed.
First we had to cross Sir Francis Drake (carefully). Then we crossed this bridge to the trail. Cross Marin Trail There’s only one way to go – straight towards the campground. Cross Marin Trail, in a rare patch of sun. Cross Marin Trail, in the more common shade. Cross Marin Trail Where Irving Group Picnic Area is, there’s a sign calling the trail the Riding & Hiking Trail and/or the Ridge Trail, but it’s still the Cross Marin. Cross Marin Trail, with the final bridge (where we turned around) ahead. The bridge, heading back. Cross Marin Trail The muddy patches on Cross Marin Trail. Another huge muddy patch. Cross Marin Trail Stay right on Cross Marin Trail. The park boundary near the very end. The bridge back to Sir Francis Drake Blvd.