This easy trail to/from Limantour Beach varies from season to season, notably showcasing an abundance of wildflowers in springtime.
Location: Point Reyes National Seashore
Length: 3.6 miles
Difficulty: easy
Shade: partially shaded
Parking: either at the Limantour Beach parking lot or the small lot on Muddy Hollow Road (free)
Public Transportation: none
WC: toilets at Limantour Beach
Dogs: not allowed on trails (but allowed at Limantour Beach)
Hiked: May 2021, Sep 2021

Trail Route
The trail is a very simple out-and-back route. If you’re starting from Muddy Hollow Road, start on the trail to the left of the parking area. You’ll pass another trail 0.3 miles into the hike, but ignore that and follow the sign towards Limantour Beach. After that, just follow the trail; there are no more trails breaking off Muddy Hollow Trail. Then return the same way.
If you’re starting from Limantour Beach, look for the trailhead near the bathroom area; coming down the steps from the parking lot, Muddy Hollow Trail is to your right. Follow the trail 1.8 miles to the parking lot and turn around.

Though a simple trail, I’ve loved this trail both times I’ve hiked it, though more in spring than in summer. It can be a bit windy due to the proximity to the ocean, but most of the trail is protected from the breeze by trees. In spring, the nature is lush and green, and there are wildflowers all along the trail. In summer, the section near Limantour Beach, under the sun, may be a bit hot. When we hiked this in late summer, we walked onto the beach and saw two dolphins swimming along the shore! And in the distance, we caught glimpses of a whale’s tail rising and falling too.
The trailhead at the parking lot on Muddy Hollow Road. Muddy Hollow Trail (towards Limantour Beach) The marker for Estero Trail; stay on Muddy Hollow. Muddy Hollow Trail (towards Limantour Beach) Muddy Hollow Trail (towards Limantour Beach) Muddy Hollow Trail (towards Limantour Beach) Muddy Hollow Trail (towards Limantour Beach) Muddy Hollow Trail (towards Limantour Beach) Muddy Hollow Trali (towards Limantour Beach) The flowers almost blocked the path! Muddy Hollow Trail (towards Limantour Beach) Muddy Hollow Trail (towards Limantour Beach) If you’re starting at Limantour Beach, you’ll come down the steps next to the bathroom, then look to the right. The trailhead at Limantour Beach. Muddy Hollow Trail (from Limantour Beach) Muddy Hollow Trail (from Limantour Beach) Muddy Hollow Trail (from Limantour Beach) Muddy Hollow Trail (from Limantour Beach) Muddy Hollow Trail (from Limantour Beach)