A truly peaceful hike in the woods, this trail is relatively unknown.
Location: Olompali State Historic Park
Length: 2.5 miles
Difficulty: moderate
Shade: shaded
Parking: parking lot ($8/vehicle, bring exact cash)
Public Transportation: n/a
WC: toilets at parking lot and visitor center
Dogs: not allowed on trails, only in developed areas
Hiked: Nov 2020

Our Trail Route
From the parking lot, we walked along the paved road through the historical buildings. The trail begins after you pass the cottage and dairy barn. We walked the loop counter-clockwise, beginning with the Miwok Trail. It took us past the Miwok Village and then started climbing up. After about a mile, we hit the marker for the Burdell Trail, which goes up the mountain, but we went to the left onto the Loop Trail. It brought us back to the dairy barn in a leisurely 1.3-mile walk.

This was a nice trek even on a weekend; it doesn’t have a lot of traffic in the mornings, so it was peaceful hiking through the woods. I would definitely do this one again.