Pioneer Tree, an old growth redwood for which the trail is named.

Hike through redwoods on a small narrow trail and take a look at Pioneer Tree, an old growth redwood.

Location: Samuel P. Taylor State Park
Length: 2.4 miles
Difficulty: easy
Shade: shaded
Parking: main parking lot at Camp Taylor ($8/vehicle, pay at park entrance)
Public Transportation: bus 68 (Stagecoach) stops near the park entrance
WC: at campground/parking lot
Dogs: not allowed on hiking trails, only in developed areas and Cross Marin Trail

Link to park website

Hiked: Jan 2021

We hiked into the shade at first, then out towards some patches of sunlight.

Our Trail Route

We parked near the park entrance, so first we had to walk through the picnic area and across the creek. From the bridge, we turned left on the Cross Marin Trail. We passed some more parking spots and a campground. After the road ended, we turned to the right onto Pioneer Tree Trail. There’s a fork in the trails right at the start—I have no idea what the other trail is. We went straight (the left fork), hiking away from the Cross Marin Trail. The trail is easy to follow from there for about 2 miles. When it met the Cross Marin Trail again, we went left to return to the bridge.

A glimpse of Mt Barnabe


This was a short and easy trail, very pleasant but also not that interesting overall. We had to navigate some muddy patches because it had rained a few days before.


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