Samuel P. Taylor State Park
4.2 miles
Enjoy an easy walk beginning under redwoods and passing by some of the historical sites at Samuel P Taylor.

Hiking Marin County
Samuel P. Taylor State Park
4.2 miles
Enjoy an easy walk beginning under redwoods and passing by some of the historical sites at Samuel P Taylor.
Tomales Bay State Park
2.6 miles
This hike in an oft-overlooked state park takes you up and down a hill, to quiet Pebble Beach, and then along the bay to more popular Heart’s Desire Beach.
Samuel P. Taylor State Park
2.4 miles
Hike through redwoods on a small narrow trail and take a look at Pioneer Tree, an old growth redwood.
Santa Venetia Open Space Preserve
1.2 miles
This simple loop along the marsh is popular with local joggers and dog-walkers.
China Camp State Park
2.8 miles
Start on wooded Shoreline Trail, and enjoy bay views while circling Turtle Back Hill.